Hello / Bonjour,

My name is Joël Séguin, I’m a web developer and I build custom websites. Hire me to help your organization succeed online with web solutions tailor made for your business. Let your organization shine brightly on the digital stage!

Joël Séguin

Why work with me on your next web project?

You only work with one person from start to finish.

Save time. No need for repeat discussions with various members of a large team.

You get a website that has character and purpose.

We focus on establishing your online goals, then collaboratively plan a solution that aligns with your organization’s objectives.

You get assistance across the board.

From copywriting, to photography, to getting your business found on Google — I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way.

You can count on old-fashioned cost savings.

It’s simple — I design and develop websites as a freelancer, resulting in lower overhead costs.

You get to talk about you!

I’m here to listen, assist you in reaching your business goals, and help you identify organizational efficiencies along the way.

Custom Websites: A Shoe-In for Success...

Have you ever slipped into a pair of shoes that didn’t quite fit? You could manage your daily tasks, but discomfort may have slowed you down, leaving you achy by day’s end. The same principle applies to your website.

When your organization’s website fails to align with your business’s needs and goals, productivity takes a significant hit. If the site doesn’t reflect your brand’s personality, customers may not perceive your authenticity. If your site isn’t user-friendly for staff updates, content quickly becomes outdated, giving users the impression of an antiquated business.

Many organizations grab the shoe box off the shelf and head straight for the checkout counter without a second thought. However, this approach is far more costly and simply doesn’t yield results.

A custom website is meticulously crafted specifically for your organization. It ensures your clients receive a personalized experience, while also simplifying content management for your authors.

Some of the web services I provide

Custom website design and development through the use of various platforms and tools.

Web consulting for strategic guidance for all of your online initiatives.

Creation of custom online forms for payments, orders, and business process optimization.

Website search engine optimization(SEO) and web marketing services.

Design & development of customeCommerce websites.

Updates and redesigns for existing websites.

Web Content Management System (CMS) training.

Custom web application development.

Looking for flexibility and reliability?

I plan and strategize with you to deliver a high-quality product that we'll both be proud of. I can work on tasks or complete projects – it's all up to you.

I'm available to work at your own rhythm. I collaborate with you to establish a timeline and can make adjustments along the way.

While I may leverage templates and site builders depending on the project, I customize them extensively to ensure the sites I build meet your unique needs. No cookie-cutter WordPress sites here!

I frequently rely on Drupal - a free open-source, enterprise-level content management system (CMS). It’s highly secure, extremely extensible, feature-rich, and the perfect CMS for truly custom websites.

A few of my web projects

I’ve had the pleasure of working with various clients over the years. Below are a few public-facing projects I’ve worked on.

During regular business hours, I serve as the Development and Data Manager at Conseil scolaire du Nord-Est where I strategize, design, develop, and maintain numerous web solutions, including school websites and business logic sites.

About Me

  • I am fluently bilingual.
  • I’ve been building websites since 2002 in various capacities. Anyone remember Flash?
  • I truly enjoy seeing my clients succeed online.
  • I’m driven and take pride in great customer service.
  • I’m always up for a good challenge!